>> I have found a function to get the methods of the classes in the book The
>> Joy of Clojure, and I would like to use it in REPL. Instead of
>> "java.awt.Frame" I would like to specify the library that I want writing
>> something like (methods any.library). Which is the way to get it?
>> (for [method (seq (.getMethods java.awt.Frame)) :let [method-name (.getName
>> method)]] method-name)
> You can do the above like this:
> (map #(.getName %) (.getMethods java.awt.Frame))
> And to turn it into a function, you just do this:
> (defn class-methods [class-name]
>  (map #(.getName %) (.getMethods class-name)))

You might also want to look at clojure.reflect. The API results are data, and 
can easily be mapped/filtered/etc.

Stuart Halloway

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