map takes a function and a collection.  So, that function can be:

 1. named:
   - define the function on it own, using the defn macro
   - pass it as first argument to map

   (def coll [[1 2] [3 4] [4 5]])

   (defn foo [x y]
     (println x y))

   (map foo coll)

 2. anonymous:
  - use shorthand notation #(...)
    -- for one argument function, % represents the argument
    -- for multiple args, use %1, %2, %3, etc., which represent arg in
specified position
  - use the fn special form (fn [x y] ...)
  - specify these inline in map call

   (def coll [[1 2] [3 4] [4 5]])

   (map #(println %1 %2) coll)

   (map (fn [x y] (println x y)) coll)

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:58 PM, octopusgrabbus <>wrote:

> Given this sample:
> (ns test-csv
>  (:gen-class)
>  (:use clojure.contrib.command-line)
>  (:use clojure-csv.core))
> (defn x1
>    [val1 val2]
>    (println val1 val2))
> (defn process-file
>  "Process csv file and prints a column in every row"
>  [file-name]
>  (let [data (slurp file-name)
>        rows (parse-csv data)]
>        (dorun (map #(println ( nth % 11 nil)) rows))))
> (defn -main [& args]
>  (with-command-line args
>    "Get csv file name"
>    [[file-name ".csv file name" "resultset.csv"]]
>    [[file-name ".csv file name" 1]]
>    (println "file-name:", file-name)
>    (process-file file-name)))
> I would like to print out two or more values, or creating a vector of
> those values would be helpful. I have been experimenting, but either
> get errors or nothing printed out.
> I am just not sure how to approach this.
> Thanks.
> cmn
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