Hi Isaac, 

> 1) When I saw this posting on Clojure Dev a month ago
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure-dev/browse_thread/thread/2abe6d79087af4fc/9030a0b0c15f26a2?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=alioth+shootout+clojure&pli=1
> I recognised the desire to have some quick and dirty performance
> regression testing, the Scala developers have been using benchmarks
> game programs for exactly that purpose -
> http://www.scala-lang.org/node/360
> What puzzled me then, and still puzzles me, is why all the work done
> by Andy Fingerhut and others is being ignored?

Andy spent all his time targeting 1.2. I spend all my time working in 1.3, and 
have no personal interest in writing benchmarks for 1.2 or older. It is in code 
such as the Alioth benchmarks where 1.3 is most different from 1.2.

That said, in many cases Andy's code would be a good place to start.

> 2) Also I don't see why this approach -
> "Our approach was to start with the Java solution and do a direct
> port. Then, examine where we might have bottle-necks and improve.
> Repeat until we are on par with Java performance."
> - would create programs that show anything that interesting about
> Clojure?

Fair enough! I certainly was not trying to dictate approach. The suggestion was 
more about providing a way for people to ease into contributing.


Stuart Halloway

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