> For example, what if I have a hash-map that needs to handle concurrent
> changes to the data structure, but never needs to have concurrent
> changes to a given piece of data (i.e a key/value pair). Wouldn't
> there be value in being able to modify the data "in-place" without
> making a copy, or needing to endure the overhead associated with STM?

Hi Trevor, 

You should endure the overhead of the STM if you need what the STM provides: 
coordination of activity across identities. But there are several things in 
Clojure that provide identities without STM.  In your example, you could place 
a map inside an atom, which provides atomic transitions between values, but no 

Abandoning values entirely should be highly motivated by a specific need. If 
you're there, then Java's concurrent maps are good and appropriate.

Stuart Halloway

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