It certainly helped :)

I played around with it last night after chouser's response and it all made 
sense, thanks!


Leonardo Borges

On 15/09/2011, at 1:39 AM, Sean Corfield <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Leonardo Borges
> <> wrote:
>> (defn neighbors
>>   ([size yx] (neighbors [[-1 0] [1 0] [0 -1] [0 1]] size yx))
>>   ([deltas size yx]
>>     (filter (fn [new-yx]
>>               (every? #(< -1 % size) new-yx))
>>      (map #(map + yx %) deltas))))
>> This syntax made me scratch my head since I believe it was the first
>> time I saw it.
> In case it wasn't clear from Chouser's response, the key difference is
> that this declares two versions of neighbors, one that takes three
> arguments and one that takes four - essentially overloading on arity.
> Here's an example from some of our code at World Singles:
> (defn save-row
>  "Given a table name (string), a record and an optional
>   key-gen function, either insert it after applying the
>   key-gen function (if no pk) or update it. In both
>   cases, return the pk. The default key-gen function
>   is a no-op (identity).
>   When operating on a MongoDB collection, the logic is
>   much simpler because the pk is always :_id and key
>   generation is always handled by MongoDB. Also, we
>   always return the entire updated record (since we
>   can run functions against the database)."
>  ([table record]            (save-row table record identity :id 0))
>  ([table record key-gen]    (save-row table record key-gen :id 0))
>  ([table record key-gen pk] (save-row table record key-gen pk 0))
>  ([table record key-gen pk retry]
>    ...))
> Mostly we call this as (save-row :table-name {:some "record"}) but we
> can also supply a key generation function (save-row :table-name {:some
> "record"} add-uuid), for tables that don't have a generated PK column,
> and we can specify the PK name if it isn't :id (save-row :table-row
> {:some "record"} identity :email).
> Ignore retry - we need to refactor that into a private helper function
> :) It's part of the machinery that let's automatically retry
> operations on MongoDB if the replica set has no active primary node
> since it can take a while to failover...
> Hope that helps?
> -- 
> Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
> An Architect's View --
> World Singles, LLC. --
> Railo Technologies, Inc. --
> "Perfection is the enemy of the good."
> -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)
> -- 
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