> I hope so, too, but very often this doesn't happen in practice. Much
> useful code is not maintained.
> If I add a dependency from Clojars or maven central to my project.clj
> file, I don't want to pay the tax of deciding what Clojure version it
> is and whether it is actively maintained,

Clojars has a super-low barrier to entry. This is great for getting a lot of 
code published, but I don't see how you can use Clojars (or anything like it) 
without having to verify some basic facts about the code you are using.  Better 
metadata would be great, but you would still want to check it.

FWIW, on my commercial work we ban clojars and review the source code of every 

> Of course this can
> be necessary when there are bugs, but now almost all the 1400+
> libraries in Clojars are suspect because of the 1.2 to 1.3 transition.

Let's start by fixing the most important ones. Sean Corfield and others are 
leading the way with contribs. Any candidates for a short list of libs that 
need updates ASAP?

> I consider this to be incidental complexity and I am "tired/old/lazy"/
> stupid. I want to simply use the library. Clojure indeed is
> brilliantly designed exactly to make libraries easy to use (by using
> immutable data and avoiding the OOP pitfall of excessively complex
> types) and this breaking transition from 1.2 to 1.3 tends to undermine
> that achievement.
> I do like Phil's classloader suggestion, but I wonder if there might
> be a way for leiningen to automatically provide a transparent wrapper
> around 1.2 jars so that they can be called by 1.3 code without local
> (eval-in-1.3 ...) macros.

This sounds big and hairy compared to simple detect-and-warn or detect-and-fail 


Stuart Halloway

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