> Ok, so I'm stuck. If any of you more seasoned clojurians have a hint
> that could get me out, I will be forever gratefull to him/her:
> I'm trying execute a query against google app engine datastore, using
> appengine-magic, with the filter dynamically generated from a map.
> Here's the closest code I have been able to come up with:
> (defmacro order-query [params]
>  `(ds/query :kind Order :filter ~(map #(list (key %) (val %)) (eval
> params))))
> This macro fails with a "Can't eval locals" error. I recognize that
> the main issue here is that i'm forcing evaluation of something at
> macro expansion time. Apparently clojure does not (fully) support
> this, so I'm looking then for alternatives.
> Cheers,
> Razvan

Hi Razvan, 

Can you tell us a bit more:

(1) the stack trace of the error you are seeing

(2) the form you are using to call order-query

(3) what you expect evaling something at macroexpansion time should be doing


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