> The Google App Engine SDK uses checked exceptions on many of its API
> methods. In many cases, I want to catch these exceptions and do
> something Clojure-friendly with them. With Clojure 1.2.x, I had no
> trouble catching checked exceptions by type, e.g.:
> (try
>  (some-app-engine-api-methods-called-here ...)
>  (catch EntityNotFoundException ex ...))
> This stopped working in 1.3.0. The caught exception does not match
> EntityNotFoundException; it is now a RuntimeException with the
> original typed exception chained to it.
> I don't fully understand the implications of the exception handling
> changes in 1.3 (https://github.com/clojure/clojure/commit/
> 8fda34e4c77cac079b711da59d5fe49b74605553). Does it mean that all
> exceptions coming in from Java code into Clojure will now be wrapped
> in an extra RuntimeException?

Catching checked exceptions seems to work fine. Try e.g.

(try (throw (java.io.IOException.)) (catch java.io.IOException _ "caught!"))

I suspect something else is going wrong in the GAE example. Can you narrow the 
code down to a block you can quote in full here?


Stuart Halloway

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