> I am using a record to wrap a number of java classes, which I then
> access various properties on. I am trying to avoid reflection so I
> type have type hinted, however when accessing the values in the record
> the type hints are lost. It might look something like this
> (defrecord Rec [^Integer i])
> (defn to-string [^Rec record] (.toString (:i record)))
> However the to-string function gives a reflection warning, even with
> the input the to function type hinted. Now I know that type hints
> don't survive across function boundaries, but is there no way to get a
> type hinted value from the record?

Treat the record as a typed thing instead of as a map (note the dot instead of 
the colon).

(defn to-string [^Rec record] (.toString (.i record)))

That said, and not knowing exactly what you are doing, the following looks 
better to me:

(defrecord Rec [^int i])
(defn to-string [^Rec record] (str (:i record)))


Stuart Halloway

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