> Yes, I understand the behavior perfectly well. The primitive int gets
> converted to a Long immediately, as this code demonstrates:
> user=> (class (Integer/parseInt "5"))
> java.lang.Long
> The int isn't being "boxed" into a Long -- the type is being changed.
> I'm aware that I can "fix" things by converting the type back to an
> Integer manually, but that's not the point. Changing the types is
> unusual behavior that leads to hard to track down bugs like I ran into
> with the ClassCastException. My proposal still stands.
> -Nathan

Somebody has to work hard: either users of collections, or interop callers. The 
current behavior makes things "just work" for collections, at the cost of 
having to be explicit for some interop scenarios.

There are two reasons to favor collection users over interop users:

(1) Interop problems are local, and can be resolved by checking the type 
signature at the point of the problem. Collection key problems are global and 
break the composability of collections. It is a *huge* benefit of Clojure that 
collections are sane.

(2) There are a lot more lines of code working with collections than doing 


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