IMO this is fairly absurd for a language default, but you can easily
do this yourself in a number of ways. For example:

(defmacro define-preds [& preds]
  (cons `do
        (for [pred preds]
          `(defmacro ~(symbol (str pred "+")) ~'[obj then else]
             (list '~'if (list '~pred ~'obj)
                   ~'then ~'else)))))

(define-preds map? string?)

(map?+ {} 1 2) ;; 1

This would be quite a lot easier if we didn't care about the short-
circuiting behavior of 'if, since then a simple higher-order function
would do it, something like (defn as-switch [pred] (fn [obj then else]
(if (pred obj) then else))).

On Apr 17, 9:16 pm, Dmitri <> wrote:
> Often times I find myself writing code like the following
> (if (map? foo) bar baz)
> would it make sense to make test functions variadic, so if only passed
> a single argument it would return true/false, but could also act as an
> if when passed 3 arguments, eg:
> (map? foo bar baz) would return bar if foo is a map and baz otherwise.

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