Check out lein-localrepo - a way to install arbitrary JARs in your
local Maven repo cache.

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Mads Andreas Elvheim
<> wrote:
> I have a few issues which are all related. I'll do my best to explain them
> one by one.
> I'd like to use the latest version of the jOGL library with Clojure 1.3 /
> Leiningen 1.7.1 / OpenJDK 1.6.
> After getting the jars from joGL's website, how can I get the library
> exposed to leiningen and Clojure in the most convenient way? I see no
> obvious way to set extra classpaths for a leiningen project, but I might
> have missed something obvious. Also, leiningen happily ignores the
> $CLASSPATH environment variable.
> And besides repacking jOGL and make it available in Maven or Clojars, what
> is the best approach for distributing the extra jOGL dependency? jOGL is a
> JRI library, and I assume that's why the existing opengl/jogl 2.0-rc3
> package in Clojars appears to be broken. Roughly from what I've read
> elsewhere, Maven repos don't like platform-specific dependencies, so that
> probably leaves lein-localrepo out of the picture as well.
> You'll have to excuse my ignorance. I'm both new to Clojure and Java, but
> any pointers and reading suggestions will humbly be taken with open arms. My
> background is C++ and various assembly dialects. I'd love to get OpenGL 3.3
> and Swing working in Clojure :-)
> - Mads Elvheim / Madsy

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