John Gabriele:

> So, it now seems that the alcove --- in its current incarnation --- is
> not as useful as I'd originally thought. I'm going to remove it, and
> instead focus on helping make sure projects on Clojars have their :url
> and :description in order.


Please don't get discouraged. There are similar services (, and they took a while (years) to
get all the tooling, workflows and community awareness to the levels when these 
services are really useful and adopted.

I personally believe that there is no other thing Clojure needs right now as 
badly as well written, maintained, good looking documentation for the language 
itself, clojure.core and most popular open source libraries.

Your attempt is a good start and one day will be Clojure end to 
end (I believe the analyzer part has always been in Clojure).


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