Confirmed -- thanks for the report.


> Hi,
> It seems reduce-kv doesn't reduce a sorted-map in the correct order.
> Example -
> user> (def *sm (into (sorted-map) {:aa 1 :zz 2 :bb 3 :yy 4 :cc 5 :xx 6}))
> ;=> #'user/*sm
> user> *sm
> ;=> {:aa 1, :bb 3, :cc 5, :xx 6, :yy 4, :zz 2}
> ;; plain reduce
> user> (reduce (fn [ret e] (conj ret e)) [] *sm)
> ;=> [[:aa 1] [:bb 3] [:cc 5] [:xx 6] [:yy 4] [:zz 2]] ; correct
> ;; reduce-kv
> user> (reduce-kv (fn [ret k v] (conj ret [k v])) [] *sm)
> ;=> [[:cc 5] [:bb 3] [:aa 1] [:yy 4] [:xx 6] [:zz 2]] ; incorrect
> Is this a bug?
> Regards,
> BG

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