I seem to be unable to quote a form and then repeatedly pass it inside the extend-protocol macro...something like this:

(def ^:private co-stub
'(run [this ^String text]
   (let [ann (edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation. text)]
     (.annotate this ann) ann)))

(extend-protocol IComponent
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.POSTaggerAnnotator      co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.PTBTokenizerAnnotator   co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.WordsToSentencesAnnotator co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.CleanXmlAnnotator       co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.MorphaAnnotator         co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.NERCombinerAnnotator    co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.RegexNERAnnotator       co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.TrueCaseAnnotator       co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.ParserAnnotator         co-stub
edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.DeterministicCorefAnnotator co-stub

neither quoted version nor the back-quoted version work...The former throws : ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to java.lang.Class clojure.core/implements? (core_deftype.clj:512)

and the latter throws:

ClassCastException clojure.lang.Cons cannot be cast to java.lang.Class clojure.core/implements? (core_deftype.clj:512)

any macro-gurus around?


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