> (defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace %) s))
> Have you ever wondered about its performance? Here you go:
> user> (time (dotimes [_ 10000] (blank? "                                   
>           ")))
> "Elapsed time: 3887.578 msecs"

To give a more complete picture, this version

(defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace ^char %) s)) 

is only six times slower than the expanded version, and keeping an eye on 
reflection warnings is not such a drag. So, if it could be demonstrated 
that in general the properly type-hinted, but otherwise idiomatic Clojure 
is not more than 10 times slower than idiomatic Java, I'd consider that at 
least a good starting point.


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