Clojure 1.6.0-beta1 is now available.

Try it via
- Download:
- Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0-beta1"]

Highlights below or see the full change log here:

We expect Clojure 1.6.0-beta1 to be close to a release candidate; no other
big changes are planned. Please give us your feedback and final issues if
you find them so we can do the final release!

Clojure 1.6.0-beta1 has the following changes from 1.5.1:

1) Clojure now builds with Java SE 1.6 and emits bytecode requiring Java
SE 1.6 instead of Java SE 1.5. [CLJ-1268]

2) The following features are no longer marked "Alpha" in Clojure:

* Watches - add-watch, remove-watch
* Transients - transient, persistent!, conj!, assoc!, dissoc!, pop!, disj!
* Exception data - ex-info, ex-data
* Promises - promise, deliver
* Records - defrecord
* Types - deftype
* Pretty-print tables - print-table

3) The package provides a minimal interface to bootstrap
Clojure access from other JVM languages. Example:

    IFn map = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "map");
    IFn inc = Clojure.var("clojure.core", "inc");
    map.invoke(inc,"[1 2 3]"));

4) Map destructuring extended to support namespaced keys. [CLJ-1318]

In the past, map destructuring with :keys and :syms would not work
with maps containing namespaced keys or symbols. The :keys and :syms
forms have been updated to allow them to match namespaced keys and
bind to a local variable based on the name.


    (let [m {:x/a 1, :y/b 2}
          {:keys [x/a y/b]} m]
      (+ a b))

    (let [m {'x/a 1, 'y/b 2}
          {:syms [x/a y/b]} m]
      (+ a b))

Additionally, the :keys form can now take keywords instead of symbols.
This provides support specifically for auto-resolved keywords:

    (let [m {::x 1}
          {:keys [::x]} m]

5) New "some" operations

Many conditional functions rely on logical truth (where "falsey"
values are nil or false). Sometimes it is useful to have functions
that rely on "not nilness" instead. These functions have been added to
support these cases [CLJ-1343]:

* some? - same as (not (nil? x))
* if-some - like if-let, but checks (not (nil? test)) instead of test
* when-some - like when-let, but checks (not (nil? test)) instead of test

6) Hashing overhaul

The Clojure hash algorithms have changed for many primitives and
Read the changelog and for more
and if you are building external collections.

In general, this change creates better hash codes (better bit dispersion,
collisions) to improve performance of hashed collections (maps and sets).
*NOTE:* One side effect may be that code currently relying on the arbitrary
of hashed elements in a collection (tests for example) may need to be fixed.

7) Other new things

* unsigned-bit-shift-right - Java's >>>
* clojure.test/test-vars - run a set of tests with fixtures

8) Printing enhancements

* [CLJ-908](
  Print metadata for functions when *print-meta* is true and remove errant
space at beginning.
* [CLJ-937](
  pprint cl-format now supports E, F, and G formats for ratios.

9) Error messages

* [CLJ-1248](
  Print type information in reflection messages to help diagnose problem.
* [CLJ-1099](
  If non-seq passed where seq is needed, error message now is an
ExceptionInfo with the instance value, retrievable via ex-data.
* [CLJ-1083](
  Fix error message reporting for "munged" function names (like a->b).
* [CLJ-1056](
  Handle more cases and improve error message for errors in defprotocol
* [CLJ-1102](
  Better handling of exceptions with empty stack traces.
* [CLJ-939](
  Exceptions thrown in the top level ns form are reported without file or
line number.

10) Documentation strings

* [CLJ-1164](
  Fix typos in clojure.instant/validated and other internal instant
* [CLJ-1143](
  Correct doc string for ns macro.
* [CLJ-196](
  Clarify value of *file* is undefined in the REPL.
* [CLJ-1228](
  Fix a number of spelling errors in namespace and doc strings.
* [CLJ-835](
  Update defmulti doc to clarify expectations for hierarchy argument.
* [CLJ-1304](
  Fix minor typos in documentation and comments
* [CLJ-1302](
  Mention that keys and vals order are consistent with seq order

11) Performance

* [CLJ-858](
  Improve speed of STM by removing System.currentTimeMillis.
* [CLJ-669]( use java.nio for Files
* [commit](
  Reduce overhead of protocol callsites by removing unneeded generated
  cache fields.

12) Other enhancements

* [CLJ-908](
  Make *default-data-reader-fn* set!-able in REPL, similar to
* [CLJ-783](
  Make clojure.inspector/inspect-tree work on sets.
* [CLJ-896](
  Make browse-url aware of xdg-open.
* [CLJ-1160](
  Fix clojure.core.reducers/mapcat does not stop on reduced? values.
* [CLJ-1121](
  -> and ->> have been rewritten to work with a broader set of macros.
* [CLJ-1105](
  clojure.walk now supports records.
* [CLJ-949](
  Removed all unnecessary cases of sneakyThrow.
* [CLJ-1238](
  Allow EdnReader to read foo// (matches LispReader behavior).
* [CLJ-1264](
  Remove uses of _ as a var in the Java code (causes warning in Java 8).
* [CLJ-394](
  Add record? predicate.
* [CLJ-1200](
  ArraySeq dead code cleanup, ArraySeq_short support added.
* [CLJ-1331](
  Primitive vectors should implement hasheq and use new hash algorithm

13) Bug Fixes

* [CLJ-1018](
  Make range consistently return () with a step of 0.
* [CLJ-863](
  Make interleave return () on 0 args and identity on 1 args.
* [CLJ-1072](
  Update internal usages of the old metadata reader syntax to new syntax.
* [CLJ-1193](
  Make bigint and biginteger functions work on double values outside long
* [CLJ-1154](
  Make flush but not close stdout so errors can be reported.
* [CLJ-1161](
  Remove bad from sources jar.
* [CLJ-1175](
  Fix invalid behavior of Delay/deref if an exception is thrown - exception
  now be rethrown on subsequent calls and not enter a corrupted state.
* [CLJ-1171](
  Fix several issues with instance? to make it consistent when used with
* [CLJ-1202](
  Protocol fns with dashes may get incorrectly compiled into field accesses.
* [CLJ-850](
  Add check to emit invokePrim with return type of double or long if
* [CLJ-1177]( URL to File coercion corrupts path containing UTF-8
* [CLJ-1234](
  Accept whitespace in Record and Type reader forms (similar to data
* [CLJ-1233](
  Allow ** as a valid symbol name without triggering dynamic warnings.
* [CLJ-1246](
  Add support to clojure.reflect for classes with annotations.
  * [CLJ-1184](
  Evaling #{do ...} or [do ...] is treated as do special form.
* [CLJ-1090](
  Indirect function calls through Var instances fail to clear locals.
* [CLJ-1076](
  pprint tests fail on Windows, expecting \n.
* [CLJ-766](
  Make into-array work consistently with short-array and byte-array on
  bigger types.
* [CLJ-1285](
  Data structure invariants are violated after persistent operations when
  collision node created by transients.
* [CLJ-1222](
  Multiplication overflow issues around Long/MIN_VALUE
* [CLJ-1118](
  Inconsistent numeric comparison semantics between BigDecimals and other
* [CLJ-1125](
  Clojure can leak memory in a servlet container when using dynamic
  bindings or STM transactions.
* [CLJ-1082](
  Subvecs of primitve vectors cannot be reduced
* [CLJ-1301](
  Case expressions use a mixture of hashCode and hasheq, potentially
  leading to missed case matches when these differ.
* [CLJ-983](
  proxy-super does not restore original binding if call throws exception
* [CLJ-1176](
  clojure.repl/source errors when *read-eval* bound to :unknown
* [CLJ-935](
  clojure.string/trim uses different definition of whitespace than
  triml and trimr
* [CLJ-935](
  StackOverflowError on exception in reducef for PersistentHashMap
* [CLJ-1328](
  Fix some tests in the Clojure test suite to make their names unique
  and independent of hashing order
* [CLJ-1328](
  Empty primitive vectors throw NPE on .equals with non-vector
  sequential types

Happy Valentine's Day!

Alex Miller

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