Hi David

I tried changing :advanced mode to :whitespace mode. My index.html file 
looks as follows:

    <div id="registry"></div>
    <script src="http://fb.me/react-0.9.0.js";></script>
    <script src="js/om_ho.js"></script>

my project.clj file looks as follows:
(defproject om-ho "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url "http://example.com/FIXME";
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License - v 1.0"
            :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html";
            :distribution :repo}

  :min-lein-version "2.3.4"

  :source-paths ["src/clj" "src/cljs"]

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2156"]
                 [org.clojure/core.async ""]
                 [om "0.5.0"]
                 [com.facebook/react "0.9.0"]]

  :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.2"]]

  :hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]

  {:builds {:om-ho
            {:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
             {:output-to "dev-resources/public/js/om_ho.js"
              :optimizations :none
              :pretty-print false}}}})

With this setup. Evaluating core.cljs (which is taken directly from your 
Higher Order Components tutorial) I see the, "XHR finished Loading" events 
in the browser, which is a good sign, but the only text which renders is, 
"Registry". I assume this is because of the missing goog.closure lines in 
the index.html file

<script src="out/goog/base.js type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">goog.require("om_ho.core");</script>

When I include these two lines I get the same errors that Chris mentioned 

Would really appreciate your help.


On Monday, 24 February 2014 03:22:22 UTC+2, boz wrote:
> I'm having trouble with the Om basic tutorial Higher Order 
> Components<https://github.com/swannodette/om/wiki/Basic-Tutorial#wiki-higher-order-components>
>  using 
> emacs and a slightly modified version of 
> https://github.com/magomimmo/om-start-template that points to Om 0.5.0 
> and React 0.9.0.
> My version is https://github.com/christoferjennings/om-start-template
> The template doesn't have the goog/base.js out of the box. When I add it, 
> I get a "Uncaught ReferenceError: goog is not defined" (Chrome Version 
> 33.0.1750.117)
> Here's the final html (basically the same as in the tutorial.
> <html>
>     <body>
>         <div id="registry"></div>
>         <script src="http://fb.me/react-0.9.0.js";></script>
>         <script src="out/goog/base.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
>         <script src="my-stuff.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
>         <script 
> type="text/javascript">goog.require("my-stuff.core");</script>
>     </body>
> </html>
> There is no "out/goog/base.js", so I'm not too surprised goog is 
> undefined. I'm stumped, though, because I don't know if the goog stuff 
> that ends up in the .repl folder should be enough, or if I have to do 
> something special to get the goog stuff to be in the out folder. I've tried 
> "lein cljsbuild once" without luck.
> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks!

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