Brandon Barret writes:

>  Hello all, 
>  I am working on a program that needs to list all the files in a directory. 
> I have read that Clojure doesn't yet have great support for this kind of 
> task, and that it is better to import to your namespace in 
> order to use some of it's methods. Every time I have done this in Eclipse, 
> I get the same error: 
> "No matching field found: getName for class java.lang.String (files.clj:0)"
> My question: Is this a "me" problem, perhaps a syntax error, a java 
> problem, or a Clojure problem? I have used java for quite a while, and 
> think that I am importing the class correctly:
> (import ', or should I just be using 
> in this case.

Do you want to *recursively* list all files in the directory? If so,
take a look at `file-seq':

Passed a pointing to a directory, it gives you a sequence
of file objects in it and all its subdirectories.

To get a list of all files ending in .jar in the current directory:

(filter #(.endsWith (str %) ".jar") (file-seq ( ".")))

Moritz Ulrich

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