I'm the reporter of the mentioned ticket and I'm no longer inclined into 
fixing the hash. The real issue seems to lay in the fact that the = 
equality tries to work with host non-values. Whether the usefulness of such 
interoperability outweights the correctness of the =/hash is the issue 
which should be more discussed, with real examples. 

So for me, the option a) is not the way we should go, and I would like to 
add an option c), to introduce a strict variant of = operation alongside 
the current one, and use it in cases where the =/hash inconsistency causes 
real trouble.


On Sunday, May 11, 2014 9:06:15 PM UTC+2, Mikera wrote:
> OK..... this thread is a bit worrying. If I understand correctly, it means 
> that we've now got inconsistent hash and equals functions. I suspect this 
> hasn't bitten many people yet simply because it is unusual to mix Java and 
> Clojure collections as keys in the same structure, but it seems like a 
> really nasty issue.
> Hash and equality functions generally have a very simple rule: if two 
> things are equal they must have the same hashcode. But now we've got:
> (= (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) [1 2])
> => true
> (hash (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]))
> => 994
> (hash [1 2])
> => 156247261
> I consider this a major defect. If we want to define our own equals and 
> hashcode that's fine, but then these functions absolutely should be 
> consistent with each other.
> If it is really true that non-Clojure collections aren't considered as 
> values and aren't expected to participate in hash/= comparisons then I'd 
> expect an exception, not an erroneous value. Silent potential corruption of 
> data is *much* worse than a noisy failure. But I think even that is a bad 
> direction to go: easy Java ecosystem interop is definitely one of the main 
> reasons why I'm using Clojure, and I'd like to see this maintained.
> I can think of only two sensible ways to fix this inconsistency:
> a) Roll back the hash changes. Correctness is much more important than a 
> performance edge case. (I suspect the hash changes have hurt average case 
> performance anyway...)
> b) Make (= (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) [1 2]) and similar comparisons 
> evaluate to false (on the grounds that ArrayLists aren't Clojure 
> collections, so should not be considered equal).
> On Saturday, 10 May 2014 15:51:24 UTC+1, John Hume wrote:
>> Thanks for the ticket pointer. I didn't find it in my initial search 
>> because it "Affects Version/s: None" :-/, and I knew this behavior was new 
>> to 1.6.
>> For those not up for the medium-length comment-thread read: 
>> non-Clojure-aware Java Collections Framework interface instances are not 
>> considered values,* and 'Rich says "all bets should be off for 
>> hasheq/equiv of non-values."' That's a bit down in the details, but I 
>> think the upshot is that they're not currently supported as set members or 
>> hash keys. Unfortunately they used to be supported (unintentionally, I 
>> guess) due to Clojure following Java's lead, so I have some interop-heavy 
>> code to review and test very carefully. Though the above seems to frame 
>> non-support as based on principle, it seems the driver is keeping the new 
>> hasheq stuff highly performant. I would hope a performant implementation 
>> that supported the Collections interfaces would be accepted for some future 
>> version.
>> *If there is one, I'd like to read a clear definition of what "values" 
>> means in Clojure. The headings on http://clojure.org/data_structures are 
>> almost an enumeration of them, except the "Collections" section talks a 
>> little about Java Collections classes, hashCode, and hasheq without making 
>> it clear that non-Clojure collections are not values. Unfortunately the 
>> current definition seems to admit only the Java primitives and 
>> near-primitives (String and primitive wrappers) and clojure-aware types.
>> What "not supported" looks like via maps:
>> user> *clojure-version*
>> {:major 1, :minor 6, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
>> user> (hash-map [1 2] "v" (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) "a")
>> {[1 2] "a", [1 2] "v"}
>> user> {[1 2] "v" (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) "a"}
>> IllegalArgumentException Duplicate key: [1 2] 
>>  clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap.createWithCheck 
>> (PersistentArrayMap.java:70)
>> user> (-> {} (assoc [1 2] "v") (assoc (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) "a"))
>> {[1 2] "a"}
>> On Friday, May 9, 2014 6:34:26 PM UTC-5, Andy Fingerhut wrote:
>>> Mike is correct.  This change in behavior is due to the hashing changes 
>>> in Clojure 1.6.  See the comments on ticket 
>>> http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-1372<http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdev.clojure.org%2Fjira%2Fbrowse%2FCLJ-1372&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNG6I-rrRfAMsUZUomYEbGOJkJqWGA>for
>>>  some discussion of whether this is considered a bug.  It appears that 
>>> perhaps the hash consistency is not promised for mutable objects, only 
>>> immutable ones.
>>> Below are a couple more REPL transcripts that illustrate the change in 
>>> behavior:
>>> user=> *clojure-version*
>>> {:major 1, :minor 5, :incremental 1, :qualifier nil}
>>> user=> (= [1 2] (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]))
>>> true
>>> user=> (map hash [ [1 2] (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) ])
>>> (994 994)
>>> user=> (hash-map [1 2] "vec" (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) "alist")
>>> {[1 2] "alist"}
>>> user=> *clojure-version*
>>> {:major 1, :minor 6, :incremental 0, :qualifier nil}
>>> user=> (= [1 2] (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]))
>>> true
>>> user=> (map hash [ [1 2] (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) ])
>>> (156247261 994)
>>> user=> (hash-map [1 2] "vec" (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2]) "alist")
>>> {[1 2] "alist", [1 2] "vec"}

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