Its Chrome, no way around it AFAICT. FWIW you can mouseover the filename in 
the console and the title popup will show the entire URL to the file.

On Friday, May 16, 2014 5:45:28 AM UTC+2, t x wrote:
> Hi, 
> * background: 
>   * I have clojurescript + lein cljsbuild auto working perfectly fine. 
>   * I have source maps working (when I click on a file in Chrome, it 
> jumps me to the corresponding *.cljs file) 
> * problem I am facing: 
>   * I like to name my modules: 
>     foo/public.cljs 
>     foo/other-stuff.cljs 
>     bar/public.cljs 
>     bar/other-stuff.cljs 
>   Now, Chrome + clojurescript (not sure who is at fault) appears to 
> display not the _full name_, but only the _last part of the pathname_, 
> so I get a bunch of lines saying things like: 
>    public.cljs:23 
>    public.cljs:68 
>   and I have no idea whether it's foo/public.cljs or bar/public.cljs 
> without clicking on it. 
> * question: 
>   Is there anyway to get Chrome / clojurescript to display the full 
> name of the *.cljs file rather than just the last part? 
> Thanks! 

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