On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 08:32:45AM -0700, Don Hill wrote:
> I am in a project with a test.clj file and if I do a (println "Hi") C-x C-e 
> it goes to repl as expected. If I do something like (+ 1 2 3) it seems to 
> go to stdout below the status bar.

This is the correct behaviour.

When you evaluate (println "hi") it should show nil below the status
bar. This isn't actually stdout, but is cider displaying the result to
you in the minibuffer. If you evaluate (+ 1 2 3) then it shows you the
result in the minibuffer, too.

The confusing part is that (println "hi") also, as a side effect, prints
the result to the repl. (+ 1 2 3) doesn't print anything, it only
displays in the minibuffer. If you want to display it in the repl you
can evaluate (println (+ 1 2 3)), or you can run the expression in the
repl (by switching to the repl buffer and entering/running it directly).


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