On Jun 2, 2014, at 4:52 PM, Jozef Wagner <jozef.wag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Reducers [1] provide eager variants of some core seq functions (map, filter, 
> etc.). Note that they do not cache the result, so they recompute it every 
> time you use their result.
> [1] http://clojure.org/reducers

Thanks Josef. I haven't yet really looked into reducers, but it seems on first 
glance like it may be overkill for just dealing with this issue -- using 
fork/join and getting unneeded parallelism for routine sequence processing, 
just to ensure that one doesn't have laziness-related bugs. The recomputation 
also sounds potentially problematic.

But I do want to look into reducers for other purposes, so thanks for the 


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