leaven [1] is a component library, much like Stuart Sierra's component,
only it works for both clojure and clojurescript and is simpler.

bakery [2] is a library of leaven components, for both clojure and

An example web app [3] uses httpkit, sente, weasel, storage-atom,
secretary, om-bootstrap, among other libraries.

Leaven doesn't mix system definition with system instantiation.  It uses
an explicit system definition, defsystem, that constructs a component
containing sub-components.  The dependency ordering between components
is explicit in defsystem.  Constructing an instance of the system is
done by creating an instance of the record defsystem defines.

Additional protocols can be implemented on your system in the body of
the defsystem.

[1] https://github.com/palletops/leaven[1]
[2] https://github.com/palletops/bakery[2]
[3] https://github.com/palletops/bakery/example-web-app[3]

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