
I'm trying to apply the ideas from the component library:

My problems is being about stop/start the Jetty server, for that purpose I
created this component:

  (defrecord WebServer [app port join? jetty log]
    (start [c]
      (log "Starting jetty server...")
      (let [jetty (jetty/run-jetty (:handler app) {:port port :join?
        (log "Server started at port" port)
        (assoc c :jetty jetty)))

    (stop [c]
      (when (:jetty c)
        (log "Stopping jetty...")
        (.stop (:jetty c))
        (log "Server stopped."))

      (assoc c :jetty nil)))

  (defn webserver-component
    ([port] (webserver-component port true))
    ([port join?]
     (map->WebServer {:port port :join? join?})))

It works, sometimes, but often I get this when I try to reset:

  Error starting #<ExceptionInfo clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Error in
component :server in system com.stuartsierra.component.SystemMap calling
#'com.stuartsierra.component/start {:reason
:com.stuartsierra.component/component-function-threw-exception, :function
#'com.stuartsierra.component/start, :system-key :server, :component
datomic:free://localhost:4334/cadegp, :connection #<Connection {:db-id
cadegp-48d87324-7849-4255-b798-865b02ee9d9d, :index-rev 0, :basis-t 1176,
:next-t 1177, :unsent-updates-queue 0, :pending-txes 0}>}, :handler
ring.middleware.reload$wrap_reload$fn__1728@6608b223>, :handler-ext
#<user$wrap_dev_handler user$wrap_dev_handler@7e174cba>}, :port 8000,
:join? false, :jetty nil, :log #<core$println clojure.core$println@7a2c3090>},
:system #<SystemMap>}>

Seems that it tries to start the server before it have time to shut it down.

Any of you had a similar issue or know how to work around that?


Wilker LĂșcio
Woboinc Consultant
+55 81 82556600

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