>  All your macro needs to do is to convert the first form into the second. 


> thanks james, that make sense for me...

I don't know what the rest of your function is supposed to be doing 

you can check my second example 

(def data (atom ""))
(defmacro blahhh []
      (let [ch (chan)]
            (loop []
               (let [res (<! ch)]
                  (if (= res "secret")
                     (do (println ">>" res)
                         (reset! data res))
            (do(doseq [word ["blah" "bang" "secret" "goal"]] (put! ch word))))))

It only waits a specific value in the channel and do somehting...in this case 
change an atom...I'm still curious about why I get that error when I declare it 
likes macro but it works when it's a function

3)  I've this other code

(defmacro defbus [bus-name args code]
   `(eb/on-message (str *ns* ":" ~bus-name) (fn ~args ~code)))

basically I need convert from this

(defbus some-bus [a] (eb/reply (str ">>" a)))

to this

(eb/on-message "some-namespace:some-bus" (fn [a](eb/reply (str ">>" a))))

I did this

(defmacro defbus [bus-name args code]
   `(eb/on-message (str *ns* ":" ~bus-name) (fn ~args ~code)))


(defmacro def-bus [bus-name args code]
   `(let [fun# (fn ~args ~code)]
       (eb/on-message (str *ns*   ~bus-name) fun#)))

the macro-expansion looks ok but when I try use it..I get some-bus is not 
defined..seems than it's trying evaluate the name..is it ok??..how can avoid 

thanks again james

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