
I found the following technique in order to have a record inheriting a base
behavior, using extend: https://gist.github.com/david-mcneil/661983

Unfortunately this can't work in ClojureScript at this point, due to the
lack of extend. Is there any alternative or should I fall back to bare
functions instead of defrecord?

Maybe some context on my code would help you answer this question.
I transform some data through a pipeline of wrappers implementing this

(defprotocol Wrapper
  (wrap-data [this data]))

Some of my wrappers can be toggled on/off so I added this protocol:

(defprotocol Togglable
  (toggle [this])
  (on? [this]))

Such a togglable wrapper would be implemented like this:

(defrecord MyWrapper [on]
  (toggle [this] (update-in this [:on] not))
  (on? [this] on)
  (wrap-data [this data]
    (if on
      (do-something data)

Now I realized that my implementation for the Togglable protocol would
always be the same, so I would have liked a way to write the code only
once. The only solution I found to do that while keeping my Togglable
protocol, is the following macro:

(defmacro deftogglable [name fields & specs]
  `(defrecord ~name [~@fields ~'on]
     (~'toggle [this#] (update-in this# [:on] not))
     (~'on? [~'this] ~'on)

Which I can use like this:

(macro/deftogglable MyWrapper []
                    (wrap-data [this data]
                                (if on
                                  (do-something data)

I don't like this approach too much because it's very specific and wouldn't
compose well, or allow overriding part of the functions.

How would you go to solve this problem?



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