Hi all,

Since the last leiningen release insists on using nREPL 0.2.6, i thought i'd have a go at using boot with CIDER instead.

From what i can tell, boot has a similar issue to leiningen, in
that the contents of ~/.boot/build.boot aren't respected by the boot REPL unless one starts the REPL from the ~/.boot directory. So, with my ~/.boot/build.boot file like this:

(set-env! :dependencies '[[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"] [cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.1-SNAPSHOT"]])
if i do:

   $ cd ~
   $ boot repl

i get:

nREPL server started on port 42018 on host - nrepl:// REPL-y 0.3.5, nREPL 0.2.8 Clojure 1.6.0 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79-b14

whereas if i do:

   $ cd ~/.boot/
   $ boot repl

i get:

nREPL server started on port 37924 on host - nrepl:// REPL-y 0.3.5, nREPL 0.2.10 Clojure 1.6.0 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.7.0_79-b14

Nonetheless, if in Emacs i run `cider-jack-in`, i get:

; CIDER 0.9.1snapshot (package: 20150618.2308) (Java 1.7.0_79, Clojure 1.6.0, nREPL 0.2.10) WARNING: The following required nREPL ops are not supported: apropos classpath complete eldoc format-code format-edn info inspect-pop inspect-push inspect-refresh macroexpand ns-list ns-vars ns-path refresh resource stacktrace toggle-trace-var toggle-trace-ns undef Please, install (or update) cider-nrepl 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT and restart CIDER

So okay, CIDER is picking up the 0.2.10 version of nREPL - good. But the message:

Please, install (or update) cider-nrepl 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT and restart CIDER

is odd, given that my system has:

~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/_maven.repositories ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-20150619.062729-1.jar ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-20150619.062729-1.jar.sha1 ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-20150619.062729-1.pom ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-20150619.062729-1.pom.sha1 ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/cider-nrepl-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.pom ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata-clojars.xml ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata-clojars.xml.sha1 ~/.m2/repository/cider/cider-nrepl/0.9.1-SNAPSHOT/resolver-status.properties

What am i doing wrong, such that cider-nrepl 0.9.1-SNAPSHOT is definitely available, but CIDER can't find it / make use of it?


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