You can hardcode the nrepl-server port with :repl-options {:port 4001} as 
seen at [1].

When thinking about it, maybe you could script tmux or similar to show all 
running terminals at once, like shown in [2].


I will try out the tmux thing myself :)


On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 5:32:06 PM UTC+1, Webdev Tory Anderson 
> I recently read something hinting at ways of streamlining the startup 
> process for the dev environment, so I'm hoping you good folks can give me 
> some tips. I'm developing a web app in Linux, Clojurescript/Clojure 
> (incidentally using the Luminus architecture). I use emacs (that part's 
> non-negotiable; sorry). The cumbersome startup process I usually have goes 
> like this:
> M-x shell
>> mongod # start the mongo daemon
>> M-x shell
>> lein run # start the app and server
>> M-x shell
>> lein figwheel #start CLJS development
>> (open a .clj file)
>> C-c M-c  # (cider-connect)
>> # insert localhost, port num, which proj. to connect to
> This is usually bearable since I only have to do it once or twice a week, 
> but it's definitely the sort of redundancy that would be nice to eliminate. 
> The "lein run" is good to have foregrounded because I can see timbre 
> statements and cleanly reboot when necessary. Figwheel, at the moment, has 
> to be foregrounded because that's where the figwheel prompt ends up (I'd 
> love to have that in Cider somehow, though). 
> Any recommendations on how to chop some of these steps off?

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