I have some mutually recursive code as follows:

(ns tester.core
  (:require [clojure.data.json :as json])

(defn getValuePathPairs
    (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentVector json) (getVectorValuePathPairs 
    (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap json) (getMapValuePathPairs 
    (instance? Boolean json) [[json ""]]
    (instance? Number json) [[json ""]]
    (instance? String json) [[json ""]])

(defn getVectorValuePathPairs
  (mapcat (fn [[i e]] 
         (for [[leaf-value path] (getValuePathPairs e)] 
           [leaf-value (str "[" i "]" path)]))
       (map-indexed vector vec))

(defn getMapValuePathPairs
  (mapcat (fn [[k v]]
            (for [[leaf-value path] (getValuePathPairs v)]
              [leaf-value (str "[" k "]" path)]))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println (getValuePathPairs ["Blah" 1 true])))

getValuePathPairs calls getVectorValuePathPairs and getMapValuePathPairs, 
which in turn call getValuePathPairs.  When I try to compile and run this 
code I get the following error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve 
symbol: getVectorValuePathPairs in this context, 

It appears from my experimentation that the issue is that when compiling 
the function getVectorValuePathPairs isn't yet defined, as when I compile 
this into a CIDER repl with the recursion taken out, then compiled again 
with it put back it runs just fine.

Googling about mutual recursion in clojure provides a lot of hits about 
lack of tail call optimization, but no one saying that it's impossible to 
do (given short recursive depths).  In this particular piece of code, I 
could just inline the two inner functions, but I'd be giving up a lot of 
readability.  Is there a way to compile mutually recursive code?  If not, 
is there a good way to structure this sort of code so I can pull out small 
functions and name them without running into this problem?

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