
I am just a beginner Clojure programmer and I am unhappy with the way recur 
behaves in Clojure

I have implemented kata from 
here https://github.com/alvarogarcia7/kata-formulation-find-comments/pull/3
What it does: it outputs 'comments' (sequences starting with "#" or "//") 
and ignores 'comments' in quotes

Here is the code:

(def comment-s '("#" "//"))
(def quote-s '("'" "\""))

(defn comment-s? [s]
  (filter #(.startsWith s %) comment-s))

(defn quote-s? [s]
   (filter #(.startsWith s %) quote-s))

(defn find-comment-in-line
  "We implement a FSM via an overloaded function -- when inside a quote, 
pass two arguments, including opening quote symb, otherwise just one 
(string itself). Don't know yet hot to recur in an 
    ([s] (when (pos? (count s))
      (if-let [cs (seq (comment-s? s))]
          (subs s (count (first cs))) ; yes, a comment symbol found, just 
return the remainder of a string
          (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))] ; no, lets check for an opening 
              (find-comment-in-line (subs s 1) qs) ; yes, an opening quote 
found, now go look for an end quote
              (find-comment-in-line (subs s 1)))))) ; no, just some other 
symbol found, check for the rest
     ([s q] (when (pos? (count s))
       (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))] ; lets check if it is a quote
         (if (= qs q) ; is it a closing quote?
           (find-comment-in-line (subs s 1)) ; yes, lets check for the rest
           (find-comment-in-line (subs s 1) q)))))) ; no, just ignore the 
symbol, continue looking for a closing quote

 My idea was to make it via recur: it does not work however because recur 
apparently binds to an implementation with particular number of arguments, 
not to a function call, and I can not see any reason why it would not.

With recur I was getting 
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Mismatched argument count to 
recur, expected: 1 args, got: 2

I guess the code is a bit "imperative" and imperative programmer I am. 
Also, I can make recur work with a nullable argument and a helper function, 
still... is there any reason Clojure can not bind recur to a function call 
in accordance with the number of arguments passed?

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