ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.

README and source code:

Leiningen dependency information:

    [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.198"]

This release brings cljs.spec to parity with Clojure
1.9.0-alpha10. This release also includes a large number of
enhancements to the ns form:

* :refer now features macro inference. There is no longer any need
  to supply both :refer and :refer-macros in the same :require, the
  compiler will figure it out.

* clojure.* namespaces will now automatically be aliased to their
  ClojureScript equivalents. For example this means that the following
  is perfectly valid ClojureScript:

    (:require [clojure.spec :refer [fspec]]))

  This feature and the previous one should significantly reduce reader
  conditional usage in ns forms.

* thanks to Antonio Monteiro we now support :rename

We also have a new feature that is relevant for tooling such as
Figwheel and cljs-devtools - :preloads. This should now be the
standard way to inject some bit of side-effecting setup after core but
before user code (i.e. connecting REPLs to standard ports, etc.).

There are of course many various small fixes and enhancements, so
a very big thank you to everyone that has contributed.

As always feedback welcome!

## 1.9.198

### Enhancements
* CLJS-1508: Extend ns form to support :rename option
* CLJS-1507: Implicit macro loading: macro var inference in :refer
* CLJS-1692: Autoalias clojure.* to exisiting cljs.* namespaces if
* CLJS-1350: Compiler support for browser REPL
* CLJS-1729: Support `use` special function in REPLs
* CLJS-1730: Support `refer-clojure` special function in REPLs

### Changes
* CLJS-1515: Self-host: Allow :file key in cljs.js/*load-fn*
* add toString implementation to Vars
* Use a js array to create collections in cljs.reader
* CLJS-1640: Use the unshaded version of the closure compiler
* add :browser-repl to list of known opts
* add browser REPL preload
* parity with Clojure 1.9.0-alpha10 clojure.spec
* bump to tools.reader 1.0.0-beta3

### Fixes
* CLJS-1733: Macro inference issue for macros & runtime vars with the same
* CLJS-1735: Self-host: cljs.spec speced-vars instance
* CLJS-1736: cljs.spec.test: checkable-syms* called with 0-arity
* CLJS-1708: Self-host: [iu]nstrument-1 needs to qualify [iu]nstrument-1*
* CLJS-1707: Self-host: with-instrument-disabled needs to qualify
* CLJS-1732: Add docstrings for new use and use-macros REPL specials
* CLJS-1720: Qualify symbols and namespaced keywords in spec macros
* CLJS-1731: Self-host: do_template problem with script/test-self-parity
* CLJS-1556: Invalid code emit for obj literal
* CLJS-1607: bug with `specify!` in JS prototypes with `static-fns` true
* CLJS-1591 avoid analyzing invoke arguments multiple times
* CLJS-1638: :elide-asserts disables atom validators in :advanced
* CLJS-1721: 3-arity get-in fails on types which do not implement ILookup
* CLJS-1728: Update doc for ns for new :rename capability
* CLJS-1727: Regression when evaluating non-sequential forms at the REPL
* CLJS-1490: Watch macro files in
* CLJS-1719: Port destructuring namespaced keys and symbols
* CLJS-1653: cljs.spec: keys* causes exception
* CLJS-1700: Support clojure.* aliasing when not in vector
* CLJS-1717 remove map from equiv-map
* CLJS-1716: No longer possible to use same alias for :require-macros and
* Use keyword options in js->clj 1-arg impl
* Add support for regex in transit for compiler analysis cache
* Escape non-Latin1 characters before base64 encoding the source-map string
* CLJS-1698: cljs.spec: every res call needs &env
* CLJS-1695: Self-host: Port cljs / clojure namespace aliasing
* CLJS-1697: doc on inferred macros fails
* CLJS-1699: Update docstring for ns
* CLJS-1694: Self-host: Port macro var inference in :refer

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