> On Aug 22, 2016, at 7:50 PM, Alex Miller <a...@puredanger.com> wrote:

> You've complained in other channels about the "learning to read" error 
> messages part and I think you've taken it entirely the wrong way or maybe I 
> just disagree. There are benefits from reporting errors in a generic, 
> consistent way. […]

Do there exist examples of what is desired for error messages in 1.9-final? Not 
promises, but a “this is what we’re shooting for”? What would you all like the 
specific error messages complained about in this thread to look like? 

Colin Fleming wrote: "The error message produced by the code I demoed at the 
conj last year would be:

Unexpected symbol 'require' at <exact error location> while parsing namespace 
clauses. Expected :refer-clojure, :require, :use, :import, :load or :gen-class.”

Is that the goal? I fear that the goal is that it should be my job to 
understand "(cat :attr-map (? map?) :clauses :clojure.core.specs/ns-clauses)”. 
For what little it’s worth, I consider that completely unacceptable. 

> - Getting the error data (specifically the explain-data output) to be both 
> sufficient and generically useful is the first priority. I think at this 
> point that's pretty close and unlikely to change significantly. 

My bias here is that I come from the learned-from-bitter-experience tradition 
that believes it’s very risky to (1) get the infrastructure right, and then (2) 
pop down the user-visible features on top of it. Very often, the infrastructure 
turns out to be a poor match for the actual needs of the features. But, since 
(1) is already done, the features - and consequently the users - suffer. 

Please understand I’m not being insulting when I say that everyone has 
weaknesses and blind spots, even undoubted geniuses. In Clojure, error messages 
and documentation (especially doc strings) have long been glaring weaknesses. 
So I am wishing to be helpful when I counsel *quickly* getting to worked 
examples of output, especially output that novices are likely to encounter. And 
exposing those messages to typical users, ones who are not familiar with 

That seems prudent. 

I believe strongly enough in good error messages that I would be willing to do 
some of the scut work, if needed.

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