This is almost the same as an issue I raised in this group over a year and 
a half ago, here 
I suggested that Clojure should include function with map's syntax but that 
was executed only for side-effects, without constructing sequences.  No one 
else was interested--no problem.   It's still bugging me.

It's not map syntax that I care about at this point.  What's bugging me is 
that there's no standard, built-in way to process multiple sequences for 
side effects without (a) constructing unnecessary sequences or (b) rolling 
my own function with loop/recur or something else.

If I want to process multiple sequences for side-effects in the the way 
that 'for' does, Clojure gives me 'doseq'.  Beautiful.  I can operate on 
the cross product of the sequences, or filter them in various ways.

If I want to process multiple sequences by applying an n-ary function to 
the first element of each of n sequences, then to the second element of 
each sequence, and so on, I can use 'map' or 'mapv', but that means 
constructing unnecessary collections.

Or I can splice my n sequences together, and make a single sequence of 
n-tuples, and use doseq to process it.  (There's an example like this on 
the doseq doc page.)  Or I can process such a sequence with 'reduce'.  More 
unnecessary collections, though.

Or I can use 'dotimes', and index into each of the collections, which is OK 
if they're vectors, but ... ugh. why?

Or I can construct my own function using first and rest or first and next 
on each of my sequences, via loop/recur, for example.   But that seems odd 
to me.  

Isn't this a common use case?  Is processing multiple sequences for 
side-effects with corresponding elements in each application so unusual?  
(Am I the only one?)  Isn't it odd that we have doseq and map but nothing 
that processes multiple sequences for side-effects, in sequence, rather 
than as a cross-product?  

(I admit that in my current use case, the sequences are small, so creating 
a sequence of n-tuples would have only a trivial cost.  It just bugs me, 
though. :-)

I'd still be OK with something that had a map-like syntax, but my current 
inclination is that it would be better for such a function to have 
doseq-style syntax.  The name might be derived from "doseq"--maybe 

(I'd be willing to suggest this in a JIRA ticket, but that doesn't seem 
reasonable unless there's a call for something like this from more than one 

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