Does anyone have any tips for performance tuning a reagent/re-frame application 
they can share? We're running into very slow rendering performance when 
changing pages on Firefox on Windows  (ie sometimes several seconds) which, 
though still noticeably laggy, don't seem to be anywhere near as much of a 
problem in Chrome.

Unfortunately I can't share the codebase, but here's what we've been trying so 

Using React.addons.Perf to identify components that take more data than they 
need as arguments - i.e their render function is called with changed data but 
they don't end up generating different markup. This has helped us reduce 
*re-render* performance, but doesn't help us much on initial page render, where 
is where our performance problems mainly lie.

Wrapping all our subscriptions using our own [custom register sub 
function]( to track how 
many times each subscription is called, how long it takes etc, to reduce 
duplicated work and highlight inefficiences. This has helped us a bit, but 
slowness still remains.

To give a slightly better UX when moving between pages, we first update the app 
state with a key that causes a loading spinner to appear, then call 
reagent/flush to make sure it's rendered, *then* update the app state again to 
trigger the change to the new page. This still ends up being a bit jerky 
however (the gif often freezes while the page is rendering, or itself takes a 
while to appear) so any better suggestions would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.


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