El vie, 05-05-2017 a las 09:35 -0400, Matthew Miller escribió:
> On Mon, May 01, 2017 at 04:36:16PM -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> > I am going to strongly object to the Beta criteria. its not
> > realistic
> > to support some random nightly. it causes a manual workload on
> > someone
> > and increases technical debt. Something we are working really hard
> > to
> > pay off.  Its either part of Beta or it does not exist.
> What manual workload does it cause, on who specifically, and do we
> have
> resources to cover that?
> What technical debt does it increase?
> In any case, the proposal is not "some random nightly". It is "a
> selected tree/image built using the normal (two-week) release
> process".

the copying would all have to be manual. additionally any pre release
nightlies that are produced regardless of being done as part of
branched or thier own compose will be marked as a nightly and will not
be suitable for release, with a short life span that will not keep it
around for very long.


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