On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 10:53:04AM -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> > > I am going to strongly object to the Beta criteria. its not
> > > realistic to support some random nightly. it causes a manual
> > > workload on someone and increases technical debt. Something we
> > > are working really hard to pay off. Its either part of Beta or it
> > > does not exist.
> > What manual workload does it cause, on who specifically, and do we
> > have resources to cover that?
> > 
> > What technical debt does it increase?
> the copying would all have to be manual. additionally any pre release
> nightlies that are produced regardless of being done as part of
> branched or thier own compose will be marked as a nightly and will not
> be suitable for release, with a short life span that will not keep it
> around for very long.

Sorry, I'm not following. We wouldn't want any copying any more than we
already have for the regular two-week release process. And, for that
matter, we would want _builds_ that are made as part of that same
process, and so suitable for exactly the same release that the existing
non-beta releases are.

I definitely don't want to treat these as extra and special. A two-week
candidate should start being produced as a matter of course at branch.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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