John's idea of using a backspace was a a good idea and I should have
thought of it.  Alas, it doesn''t actually work as Justin pointed out.

I got the UUID from /dev/disk/by-uuid and used that in /etc/fstab
as Justin proposed. Worked like a charm.

I also looked in /dev/disk/by-label and found:  HP\x20v255w
I assume that placing HP\x20v255w in the /etc/fstab instead of
the UUID would have also worked.

Thanks all and hope someone besides me learned something new.

> The answer is a lot simpler.  There are no spaces in UUIDs, period.
> What happens is that udev will use the disk label if present to create
> the mount point in /media.  If you wanted "/media/My Special Drive"
> all you should need to do is label the file system "My Special Drive".
 > For ext2/3/4 you would use e2label to accomplish this.  Other file
> systems have different tools to do the same thing.

> When there is no disk label (or there are duplicate disk labels) udev
> falls back on the UUID when creating a mount points in /media

> What you want to do is look in /dev/disk/by-uuid which contains
> symlinks to the actual device.  /dev/disk/by-label/ and
> /dev/disk/by-path/ contain symlinks of what you would expect.

> Hth,

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