I am not the only one "Ripped-off" by Elections Alberta.
I estimate 5000-6000 enumerators/data entry operators
were collectively "Ripped-off" well in excessive of  $500,000.
Alas, no one seems upset enough about this to do anything.
Nor am I optimistic that much can be done now.
But I do feel an obligation to at least make some noise.

ON TOPIC (sort of):
The suggestion that I create my own web server and create a
blog from there sounds interesting and is something I would
like to do someday.  But I am afraid it will consume too much time right now.

I have Shaw high speed Internet.  Does supporting a web server involve
additional charges from Shaw or other service providers?

I think I will go one of the blog services routes proposed (thanks everyone).
In the unlikely event that I post something that outrages Elections Alberta
enough and is illegal enough that they get me shut down
I can go the "my own web server route".


On "as it happens" tonight it was reported that a robot (built of Lego blocks no
less) has wrested from humanity the record for fastest solution to a
Rubic's cube.
Check out  "http://bit.ly/pSA6MD";  or google "Facebook as it happens" or
 "CubeStormer II".

We need not welcome our computer overlords quite yet however.
On the as it happens Facebook site is also a video of
a man from Spain who solves one Rubic's cube with one hand
while juggling two Rubic's cubes with the other.
Or just google:  "David Calvo juggles and solves Rubik's Cubes"


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