Hello all.
I've been thinking about playing with clutter lately, so I started
working on some C++ bindings.  I've got a couple of questions about
the ClutterColor API. There are several functions which take a src and
a dest color argument.  For this email, I'll just focus on
clutter_color_darken(), but the issues apply to several other
functions as well.

If I was to wrap this API directly into an object-oriented style, I
would end up with something like:

void Color::darken(Color& dest) const; [A]

or alternately

Color Color::darken() const; [B]

The problem with wrapping these functions in this way is that it seems
to lose some of the flexibility of the C version.  For example, with
the C version, you can darken a color directly, or save a darkened
version of the src color in another Color object.  For example:
// foo and bar are ClutterColor objects
// darken foo directly:
clutter_color_darken(&foo, &foo);
// make bar a darkened version of foo
clutter_color_darken(&foo, &bar);

Now, with version A above, we could do both of these cases as well,
but it seems quite awkward to do something like this in C++:

Version B above is a more natural syntax, but makes it impossible to
modify the color itself -- the darkened color is always a copy (which
could have some performance implications as well).  This also makes
for slightly awkward code in the case where you just want to work with
the darkened color and don't want to keep around the original, e.g.:
Color foo;
Color bar = foo.darken();
// don't care about foo anymore

So I had an idea to just modify the src object directly and omit the
dest parameter, e.g.:

void Color::darken(); [C]

This means that if you wanted to create a darkened copy of the
original color, you would have to make the copy yourself, e.g.:

Color foo;
Color dark_foo = foo;

There are drawbacks to all of these options, but I'm leaning towards
wrapping it using version [C].  I looked at what other bindings did,
and it seems that the vala and C# bindings both chose version [A], the
python and ruby bindings both chose [B], and I couldn't figure out
what the perl bindings did :)

So I guess my question is, which version most closely satisfies the
intent of the API?  Is modifying a color directly (e.g.
clutter_color_darken(&foo, &foo)) an expected and common use case? (i
looked at the implementation and it seems that src == dest should be
safe at least).  Any other bindings authors care to share why they
made the decisions they did?
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