Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
> Hello all.
> I've been thinking about playing with clutter lately, so I started
> working on some C++ bindings.  I've got a couple of questions about
> the ClutterColor API. There are several functions which take a src and
> a dest color argument.  For this email, I'll just focus on
> clutter_color_darken(), but the issues apply to several other
> functions as well.
> If I was to wrap this API directly into an object-oriented style, I
> would end up with something like:
> void Color::darken(Color& dest) const; [A]
> or alternately
> Color Color::darken() const; [B]
> The problem with wrapping these functions in this way is that it seems
> to lose some of the flexibility of the C version.  For example, with
> the C version, you can darken a color directly, or save a darkened
> version of the src color in another Color object.  For example:
> // foo and bar are ClutterColor objects
> // darken foo directly:
> clutter_color_darken(&foo, &foo);
> // make bar a darkened version of foo
> clutter_color_darken(&foo, &bar);
> Now, with version A above, we could do both of these cases as well,
> but it seems quite awkward to do something like this in C++:
> foo.darken(foo);
> Version B above is a more natural syntax, but makes it impossible to
> modify the color itself -- the darkened color is always a copy (which
> could have some performance implications as well).  This also makes
> for slightly awkward code in the case where you just want to work with
> the darkened color and don't want to keep around the original, e.g.:
> Color foo;
> Color bar = foo.darken();
> // don't care about foo anymore
> So I had an idea to just modify the src object directly and omit the
> dest parameter, e.g.:
> void Color::darken(); [C]
> This means that if you wanted to create a darkened copy of the
> original color, you would have to make the copy yourself, e.g.:
> Color foo;
> Color dark_foo = foo;
> dark_foo.darken();
> There are drawbacks to all of these options, but I'm leaning towards
> wrapping it using version [C].  I looked at what other bindings did,
> and it seems that the vala and C# bindings both chose version [A], the
> python and ruby bindings both chose [B], and I couldn't figure out
> what the perl bindings did :)
> So I guess my question is, which version most closely satisfies the
> intent of the API?  Is modifying a color directly (e.g.
> clutter_color_darken(&foo, &foo)) an expected and common use case? (i
> looked at the implementation and it seems that src == dest should be
> safe at least).  Any other bindings authors care to share why they
> made the decisions they did?

The beauty of C++ is that you can have all three functions, although I
personally would just do B and C.

Of course, whether there is anything other than overhead to be gained by
C++ bindings for a C library is open to question.

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