
I cant really comment as I really know little about deeper layout
workings and how they should be. What I can say though is we tried to
add layouts to clutter but when you throw in all the translations and 3D
space and the kind of 'freeform' nature of Clutter we reached the
conclusion  it was pretty much impossible to come up with some totally
generic that would cover all cases (at least that was sane API wise).
Therefor we decided to at least provide enough hooks in Clutter to make
it easy for layouts (and policy) to be implemented outside of Clutter
for a specific use case - we've kind of started doing this in Tidy for
example, and for this kind of thing its probably worth sending patches

It would be nice however to have some very simple layout stuff in
clutter itself (maybe)

On Wed, 2008-02-13 at 09:27 -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> Another thought related to this, it seems that get_size() combined
> with set_scale() already somewhat implements a "transient allocation";
> because get_size() and query_coords() ignore any scaling. I _believe_
> this is true even for group bounds; if I scale everything inside a
> group, the group's bounding box is still based on the unscaled child
> sizes (right? am I reading that code correctly?)

This sounds like a bug - will look into it. 

  == Matthew

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