Am 05.06.2008 um 09:16 schrieb Emmanuele Bassi:

- If I want to port clutter app on ARM ( with graphics accelerator and
w/o graphics accelerator) how it will perform?

how does a library based on hardware acceleration greatly depends on the
hardware it runs on. saying ARM doesn't say much, as it depends on the
GPU used on an ARM device. I can already tell you that without a GPU it
will not perform very good.

Just my 2 cents: you might also want to investigate the OpenGL peculiarities of your system i.e. hard and software, in some detail. On osx f.e. you get punished for not using textures in BGRA pixel format. Similarly, depending on your gpu, you might get punished for using no-square or non-power-of-two textures.


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