On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 14:46 +0200, Jonas Bonn wrote:
> Hi,
> I had a short discussion with ebassi on #clutter... we decided I would send 
> an 
> email detailing what I feel are some weaknesses in the Animation 
> API/implementation.  Thanks for considering this; my thoughts follow:
> ----
> An Animation currently keeps track of:
> timeline
> mode
> duration
> loop

I agree that the Animation properties should not go out of sync with the
underlying objects.

personally, my take is that the Animation should:

  - cache the values in case the Alpha and/or the Timeline instances
    are not present, or if they are being replaced
  - proxy the values otherwise

which is basically what are you proposing, except that I wouldn't remove
the loop, duration and mode variables from AnimationPrivate.

the behaviour of the Animation class would then match these invariants:

  - set_mode()
    + no alpha set: create an alpha (without a timeline)
    + alpha set: set the mode
  - set_duration():
    + no alpha set: create an alpha, then a timeline
    + alpha set: get the timeline of the alpha, set duration
  - set_loop()
    + same as set_duration()
  - get_mode()
  - get_duration()
  - get_loop()
    + no alpha or no timeline are set: return the cached values
    + alpha or timeline set: return the alpha or timeline values

for the set_alpha() and set_timeline() we need some more hand-holding,
because we depend on instances to make the animation machinery work:

  - set_alpha():
    + no alpha set and passed NULL, create alpha (without a timeline)
    + no alpha set and passed !NULL, own the alpha and use its timeline
    + alpha set and passed NULL, create alpha and reuse the timeline
      from the old alpha
    + alpha set and passed !NULL, own the alpha and use its timeline

  - set_timeline()
    + no alpha set and passed NULL: create alpha and timeline using
      stored values, and assign the timeline to the alpha
    + no alpha set and passed !NULL: create alpha and assign passed
      timeline to the alpha
    + alpha set and passed NULL: create timeline using stored values
      and assign it to the alpha
    + alpha set and passed !NULL: assign timeline to the alpha

  - get_alpha()
    + no alpha set: create an alpha using the stored values, with
      no timeline
    + alpha set: return alpha

  - get_timeline()
    + return the timeline assigned to the alpha

in short: the Alpha should be available as soon as:

  - :mode, :duration or :loop are set
  - get_alpha() or get_timeline() are called

while the Timeline will be available as soon as:

  - :duration or :loop are set

I'll document this properly before the 1.0 release.

> I hope this makes some sense and I look forward to your comments.  I'm happy 
> to 
> provide clarification where things are less than clear.

thanks for your feedback!


Emmanuele Bassi, Senior Engineer        | emmanuele.ba...@intel.com
Intel Open Source Technology Center     | http://oss.intel.com

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