On Sun, 2009-07-12 at 23:31 +0200, Alexander Teinum wrote:
> Hi Clutterers. :)
> I want to create a tab-widget with a path consisting of a couple of
> arcs and four lines. The path will be filled with a gradient and the
> arcs have to be smooth (anti-aliased).
> I have managed to draw the widget as I want it with
> ClutterCairoTexture, but I'm wondering if it's better to do it with


the COGL primitives API does not paint anti-aliased lines, and it
doesn't support[0] gradients.

>  Better as in better hardware accelerated performance and perhaps
> that it's somehow "more native" to Clutter (although I'm not sure if
> there's a difference in that sense).

there is no difference in terms of "nativeness"; the performance issue
is true, though: we use a non-hw accelerated Cairo surface, so you need
to make sure you're not updating the contents of the CairoTexture
needlessly -- you should draw on your cairo_t* only when the allocation
changes, and possibly only if the allocation size is different than the
size of the CairoTexture surface.

we plan to add more features to the COGL primitives, including
anti-aliasing and gradients, but they are for future development cycles.


[0] it is possible to set up a linear gradient by changing the color at
different vertices, but it won't work as well as the Cairo pattern API.

Emmanuele Bassi, Senior Engineer        | emmanuele.ba...@intel.com
Intel Open Source Technology Center     | http://oss.intel.com

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