On 9/28/2010 2:18 PM, Alexander Neundorf wrote:
On Tuesday 28 September 2010, David Cole wrote:
When I fix a bug, I mark it as "resolved."

I expect that somebody else who cares about the bug will come along behind
me and double-check me on it. So... I leave it to the reporter or some
other interested party to "close" it.

If there is consensus that this approach is undesirable, I'd be happy to
just "close" them instead of "resolving" them.

Why does it matter, as long as they are not "open" anymore?

For instance they still appear in the "Reported by me" and "Monitored by me"
sections, so they don't feel like really done.

I would say close them as soon as you can. If people want to reopen them, they can. But, I don't think we should wait for someone to close them. So, anyone wants to move the resolved issues to closed, I am all for it. :)

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