On 3/9/2011 1:49 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:


*It’s a bit of a hack, but testing for the target name and overriding
the output path seems to work.*

*This gets me past the trycompile step so now projects are being
generated from scratch.*


*if (this->Name=="cmTryCompileExec") {*

*std::string path =

*(*this->BuildFileStream ) << " OutputFile=\"" *

*<< cmsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsOutputPath(path.c_str()).c_str() *

*<< "\\" << this->Name << ".exe\"/>\n";*


*else {*

*(*this->BuildFileStream ) << "/>\n";*



*I’ll stick with this for now - if there’s a better way I’ll no doubt
find out eventually ...*

That seems a bit crazy, and other stuff will break for you and other try-compile stuff. There must be a way to change this all the time. We want it to be consistent with the C/C++ targets in the output path. It also has to match CMAKE_INTDIR, or tons of stuff will not work.

Are you doing this in a public git repo somewhere?

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