On 5/30/2012 1:37 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
Bill Hoffman wrote:

Looks like there is one more left:


Hmm, I'm not sure how to solve this.

It seems like the full path to the compiler with backslashes doesn't have
its backslashes escaped, and they get stripped on the shell.

The substitution of the compiler path is done in
cmLocalGenerator::ExpandRuleVariable, which gets it from the cmake platform
files I think. I don't know where the backslashes need to be escaped (if
that's the problem).

Can you explain to me what this test actually does? I guess it is running a compile command without the build tool? Looks like you are using a c++ program to run the compiler. I think you need to go to POSIXs paths to run the command and that should work. You have a string with \ in it, and you need to change it to /. Not sure why ninja fails and nmake does not...



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