Brad King wrote:

> On 02/02/2014 04:01 PM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
>> source_group.rst contains this:
>>  .. code-block:: cmake
>>    source_group(<name> [FILES <src>...] [REGULAR_EXPRESSION <regex>])
>> That block of code is not cmake code, but it is marked as such in the
>> rst. That seems inappropriate. I suggest removing the 'cmake' language
>> specifier. This repeats in many places. Finding them at least is
>> scriptable.
> It renders pretty nicely in html even when marked as "cmake".
> Is there a problem?

It's not consistent among all the doc pages, and if I'm going to update some 
of the docs to be 'done', it makes sense to define some consistency to aim 

Additionally, sphinx is not the only tool processing the rst. The kate 
editor also does syntax highlighting of the blocks. It should (but currently 
does not) highlight the 'invalid' cmake code as invalid.

Additionally, it is not actually valid cmake code.




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