Eclipse CDT only supports MinGW on Windows so the fact that it is broken for Cygwin is no surprise. CDT does NOT support nmake at this time because there would be no way to debug the code after it was compiled. There was discussion about this on the CDT newsgroup (nntp:// on the newsgroup). http://

So I would guess that MS tool chain support would probably never be properly supported. This should not stop you from having cmake create nmake files and having CDT call nmake on your files. That _might_ work.. Never tried it.

Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

On Jul 31, 2007, at 9:51 AM, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:

I did run into the following annoyance, but it is rather another
topic. When I compile the CMake code in Eclipse using the cygwin
tools, then the resulting Eclipse project files are broken. This is
due to the fact that it creates the .project file with the cygwin
cmake (posix paths) and the Eclipse is installed in a Windows
environment un-aware of where /builds is...

If I compile CMake with the VS toolchain (same would probably be true
for MinGW tools) and create the "Eclipse - Unix Makefiles" then there
are no problems with using the files with the cygwin tools.

But of course all of this has to do with why cmake cygwin can't
generate VS projects, but windows cmake can generate "Unix Makefiles"
for cygwin...

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